New for Class of 2012! Starting Today, Wednesday June 27th, your Graduation Slideshow (with Carol’s Valedictorian speech, the Toscanini singers, the Poetry Slam team and Ms. Jernigan’s performance) is available on DVD! For your small donation of 10$, you get a free copy of the Graduation Presentation! You may donate through the link provided, or stop by the main office of the school during the summer and ask for a Donation Form. Please include your mailing address if it will need to be sent to you.
MS145 Photo Collections
Hey MS145 students, staff and families, all of you who have good photos of our graduation, prom, senior trip, other senior activities, or just life in school over the years please share! This link will allow you to upload them to the school site. Thanks! Picture Share.
Kohl’s Cares…
This amazing opportunity was brought to my attention by Ms. Smalls. Please, take the time to cast your 5 votes for Jhs 145, and spread the word! We have gotten off to a relatively slow start compared with some schools, but with our network of educators and alumni, both in person and online, we should be able to catch up and surpass them soon! Please, take 5 minutes of your day to help us win $500,000 for our school!